4 Essay Writing Tips for Scholarship Applications


Writing essays is the of the most common things students have to accomplish along with several other requirements when they have to apply for a scholarship. Essays aren’t particularly difficult to make but can be very tedious if you take into consideration that the essay that you will be submitting will either make or break your scholarship application.

Being good with words isn’t a requirement to become a scholar, although it is a huge plus as it helps with the application. Making an essay to send with your scholarship application only requires your dedicated time and effort in writing it. Scholarship essays are a bit tricky to make as they can deal with various topics or ideologies. Scholarships such as the one sponsored by Jeremy Schulman tackle various ideas and topics that want the perspective and ideas of the younger generation. Although the topics might be a bit difficult, we have here several tips you can try out to improve your essay and increase your chances of snagging a scholarship this way.

Follow A Structure of Ideas

The first tip we have is to plan out how you will write your essay and be sure that you structure them properly. Following a simple structure of ideas will make your essay easier to read and digest by anyone who can read it. Having an introduction, body and conclusion is a tried and tested way of having a high-quality essay.

Even if you don’t follow the traditional structure for making these kinds of essays, it is important that you still follow organization as it makes your essay looks cleaner and reflects the kind of person you are. Having a well-planned structure for your essay shows that you are extremely organized as a person.

Add Personal Experience

When writing an essay for your scholarship consider adding a bit of a personal touch by narrating any relevant personal experience. It is important to add this layer of personalization as it prevents your essays from becoming bland while adding a little to your character allowing your reader to get to know you better.

Avoid Making Any Curveballs

Continuing from the first tip, when writing essays, it is important to avoid making too many curveballs if at all. It is alright to make curveballs and tangents in your essays as long as you keep them relevant to the topic and short. Having the mistake of too many curveballs will make your essay look messy and harder to understand.

Stay True and Personal

The last tip we have for making essays is to always stay true to yourself and your character. When making these types of essays avoid making any fabrications or exaggerating your accomplishments and milestones.

Transparency is a highly valued trait not only in your essay but also in work as everyone likes a person who can be transparent about themselves. An added benefit of following this tip is that it makes it easier for you to add emotion to your essay which helps in conveying your thoughts and ideas more clearly.

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